Friday, February 27, 2009

Very wet day

Yuck. It has been raining most of the day, and I am tired of being wet. At least Linda fed us dinner in the run-in shed. Maybe she'll take this wet blanket off and put on a dry one. I'm really looking forward to lying down in some nice dry shavings.

You know what I figured out? The humans have the barn bugged. I wondered why every night they plug this little white box into the wall. Turns out they listen to us and can hear everything we do at night. That's a little too "big brother" for my taste! I don't know what is interesting about hearing me snore, or Sailor chewing on the wall. Maybe they want to hear if Sailor is kicking her stall door down. She's done that a few times, the idiot. The first time she did it, the man human found her in the aisle in the morning, standing in the middle of the 8 bales of hay she tore apart. It looked like a bomb went off. So when the barn door opened, she ran over and stood next to me, trying to pretend some other horse must have made the mess. I said, nice try Sailor. Humans are smarter than that. So now I bet they don't take any chances of Miss gonzo trying that trick again.

This morning the male human was very annoying. All I wanted to do was wait for my morning grain in peace. He wanted to clean my stall, and kept insisting I move out of position. It's very important to be in the correct position when the grain arrives. So I refused to move. He yelled and pushed, so I stood on the fork he was trying to clean the stall with. That made him really mad, and he yelled louder, but then Linda came out with the grain so I got off and got ready to eat. People can be so rude!

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