Sunday, February 22, 2009

Finally- my own forum!

After all these years, I've finally got a chance to speak to all the humans of the world. This is my first time using a computer, and I had some trouble figuring this blog thing out, so there is no profile. To introduce myself, I've been on this planet for almost 29 years, so there's not too much I haven't seen or done. I've learned that most humans are beneath me, even though they continually try to tell me they are in charge. The human who has been taking care of me since 1998, who is called Linda, has learned most of what she knows about horses from me. She was such an idiot and such a sap in the beginning that I had little tolerance or use for her. It's hard to take orders from someone who is clueless, if you know what I mean.

So I put up with her, but didn't respect her a heck of lot until I went to live in a big barn with a woman named Ann who had lots of other horses there. She taught Linda how to work with me properly, and I was willing to listen. Ann was one of those rare humans who I totally respect, because it was so obvious she was in charge. I never gave her any crap. She even taught me a few new things. Then she would teach Linda, who always screwed it up at first. But eventually, Linda and I learned how to work as a team. It got to the point where we each seemed to know what the other one was thinking, or going to do, so that made it much more relaxing.

Unfortunately for both of us, my arthritis has gotten worse with my advancing years, so we don't go out on all-afternoon rides anymore. But when we go exploring in my new home here (where Linda lives with me for the first time) I enjoy taking in the sights and checking out the other horses that live in the neighborhood. We could do this more often if Sailor (the other mare that lives here) wasn't such a freak and didn't go into a total panic when I go for a walk. Sailor is another story. They call her an Appaloosa, which I guess means funny-looking, because that's what she looks like to me. We all can't be gorgeous redheads, I suppose. She's young and strong, and could take me if she wasn't such a scaredy-cat. I mean, she's afraid of her own shadow. I do like the fact that she recognizes that I am the absolute boss of this place, but she's like the annoying kid sister that clings to you and never gives you a minute by yourself. But she's my only roommate, so I put up with her, even when she does bone-head things like jump the fence to go I don't-know-where. I can go on and on about her, but that's for another day.

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